Browse Jobs in West Virginia
In West Virginia, 1,668 jobs have been added since last month.
Jobs in West Virginia (61,310)
West Virginia's job sector has traditionally been dominated by coal mining, playing a significant role in both the state's economy and identity. In recent years, there has been a shift towards diversifying the economy, with growth in sectors like healthcare, education, and tourism, particularly outdoor recreational activities. The state is also exploring opportunities in alternative energy and manufacturing to broaden its economic base.
Cities in West Virginia
Search Ideas in West Virginia
Need some inspiration? Here are some jobs searches that are on our radar at the moment. This list is updated daily, so you can always come back for more.
- IT Jobs in Huntington, WV (427)
- Warehouse Jobs in Huntington, WV (109)
- Full Time Jobs in Huntington, WV (2,868)
- Maintenance Jobs in Huntington, WV (462)
- Nursing Jobs in Huntington, WV (3,340)
- Weekend Jobs in Huntington, WV (958)
- Food Service Jobs in Huntington, WV (672)
- Overnight Jobs in Huntington, WV (360)
- Management Jobs in Huntington, WV (1,307)
- Teaching Jobs in Huntington, WV (102)