Job Search

About Jobcube

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About Jobcube

Jobcube collects job listings across the United States so that they’re right where you need them. Whether you’re looking for a pay rise, a position closer to home, or whatever you need, you can find a job suited to you.

Our Group

Jobcube, Inc. is owned by a publicly traded Japanese parent company,, Inc.
For users in Japan, please refer to Kyujin box.

  • For Partners

    We are continuously seeking to expand our network of partners. If you would like to become a partner, please contact us at

  • For Employers

    There is currently no direct posting facility. If you wish to post a job, please provide us with a link to your company's employment page.

For inquiries about Jobcube, contact us at the following email address:


Jobcube joined the Association for Talent Aquisition Solutions (TAtech)

Jun 3, 2024